Standardise your analysis

We spend so much time and effort trying to understand our projects in the lab. we could make things so much simpler by applying a template structure to all our analysis projects so that we can work seamlessly as a team.

Follow the template to save yourself, and your colleagues, so much time!

The framework

Setting up projects

Instructions for you and your colleagues

Using data dictionaries

We use comparability analysis as an example - but can be used for all analytic projects

Set up your sheet first

Consistency is key - you and others can follow if a structure is used

Stop trying to read peoples minds

Anyone should be able to follow on from your work

Spreadsheet team working
Your team will thank you in the long run

The difference these simple hacks make to a team sharing spreadsheets is huge!

Example Curriculum

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Free up your time

Why every analysis should have a structure - and how to decide what it should look like

Signpost what, why and when to use in the analysis